It's cold again
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Avsluttet .

I liked this. Nice bird picture. Good composition and extract. It really looks as if it's trying to keep warm.
Ann F.

Poor little thing, he really looks cold. Good shot, how close where you?
Rgds, Ann
Rolf J.

Nice picture, I like the colours, the eye is the contrast that makes the difference.
Regards Rolf
Michel M.

hello Eva
joli petit pigeon bleu.Dis-moi, d'apres toute les photos que tu as mis sur cette page, je conclus que tu vis en campagne,n'est-ce pas? Mais pourquoi est-tu debout si tôt le matin? Suis-je trop indiscret? A part ca, merci pour ton e-mail,tu es comme moi une multi-nationale.Mon mélange est italo-francais! Grosse bise. ;o)
Eva D.

The distance to the bird was about one meter?!
Et oui, Michel, j'habite vraiment la campagne.
Mon mari travaille en ce moment (parfois) très tôt le matin - il doit se lever à 4 heures du matin --> peut-être ça peut expliquer...???
Bi- bise , Eva
Mats N.

Really good one this!
It might have been even better (to me) had it been cropped just a little bit tighter or ever so slightly less cropped...
Anyway, it´s so good as shown that I almost feel mean to be that finicky... ;-)
Rgds/Mats N.
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